    Editors                                        Richard von Grabow
    Assistant Editor                                 Goldie Johnson

     Sports                                                   Richard Balke

     Distribution Managers                        Charles Haag

     Reporters          Senior                        Beverly Haag
                                 Junior                             Betty Geist
                        Sophomore                 Romajean Ringle
                           Freshman                    Iris Stoneburner
                     Eighth Grade                          Patsy Killian
                  Seventh Grade              Sue Ann Jacobson
                            Sunshine                        Beverly Haag
                                    Hi-Y                       Thomas Keller
             Band and Chorus                      Ronnie Grenert

     Typists                                                 Bonnie Barden
                                                                         Zane Munn
                                                                     Eula Kusener
                                                                     Carl Bostwick
                                                                       Don Pontius
                                                                   Ralph Candler
                                                                     Beverly Haag

Faculty Sponsor                                Mary E. Hission


We had a belated Valentine Program February 22nd. Claire Inman had several games which everyone enjoyed very much.

A group of girls are planning on going to Crawfordsville, March 25th, to the 50th anniversary of the Sunshine Society.
The Hi-Y members have postponed their informal initiation of the new members till aftter the Junior Play. We hope the new members will not be TOO disappointed.

The pictures from the Hi-Y Convention to which Don Pontius, Dean Maxsob, Bud Campbell, Larry Calvert, Ronnie Grenert, Richard von Grabow, and Mr. York attended at Marion, arrived earlier this month. Approximately 500 boys from all over the state of Indiana were there.

* * *

Our Tyner Band will play at Centennial Auditorium in Plymouth, March 25th, at 8 p.m. at the Baton Twirling Exhibition.

The Baton Twirling Exhibition will be presented by the Michianna Baton Club of South Bend and directed by H. Merle Smith. Outstanding twirlers who have won medals in various contests will be featured. This exhibition will be tops in entertainment -- something different. Do not miss it. You will see baton twirling at its best.

The program will be sponsored by our Band Patrons Club. Tickets are available from any member of the Tyner Band. Admission: Adults___ .50, Children___ .25.


On Tuesday, march 7th, the faculties of Lapaz, West, and Teegarden schools came here to join the Tyner faculty to view educational visual aids on school and class room problems. The three movies shown here were also shown to all the facultis in the county, the other showings being at Bourbon, and Culver. The teachers were glad to have the opportunity to see them.

P. T. A.

The next meeting of the Parent Teachers Association will be Monday , March 20th, at 7:30 p.m. at Tyner School. All members are asked to be present as there will be an election of new officers for the coming year. Judge Marsh of Plymouth will be the principal speaker.